Calmology ™ paste is a natural supplement aiding to FOCUS, RELAX and CREATE GASTRIC BUFFER
in nervous horses before competitions, exercise, showing or shipping to achieve their optimum performance.
Calmology ™ paste is highly recommended as it contains no drugs and
will not test positive in events or competition.

Calmology ™ may not make the horse drowsy or hinder its performance.
For use by or under the direction of a registered veterinarian in selected cases in animals:
- To manage the horse’s mood in any situational stress and anxiety associated with TRAINING, COMPETITION or EVENT.
- Recovery of the Muscular and Nervous system functions, and Gastrointestinal track to achieve horse’s optimum performance.
- Aiding to Focus & Calm without sedation.
- Aiding to Relax yet keeps muscle tone.
- Create GASTRIC BUFFER and sooths gastric upset in nervous horses.
- Long lasting calming support.
Active Ingredient:
Active ingredients:
CalmologyTM Blend (L-Tryptophan 10,000 mg, L-Theanine, Magnesium amino acid chelate,
Melatonin, DL-Phenylalanine, Thiamine Mononitrate, L-Arginine, L-Leucine, Ascorbic Acid, Bismuth).
Inactive ingredients:
Methylparaben, Propylparaben, Acesulfame, K Sweetener, Glycerin, Apple Flavor, Xanthan, Gum, Deionized water.
Does NOT contain sugar.
32 ml tube.
Store below 25 C (air conditioning).
Do Not freeze and protect from light.

Aiding horses to focus and relax without making them drowsy or hinder their performance in any stress related environment requires managing stress-affected-body-parts from the mind of the horse through the stomach and muscles.
Vepona has achieved this goal by formulating the Calmology ™.
In today’s market, consumers will find a range of ingredients in calming supplements, ranging from herbs and amino acids to vitamins and minerals. Unfortunately, studies show due to the level of impurity and incorrect ratio, these available products have a reverse effect on horses making them depressed and causing them to not show their full potential.
Why is Calmology ™ titled, The Art of Calming ?
Using the latest nutraceutical science, we have formulated a series of special effective ingredients exclude any prohibited substances in highest purity (%99) by correct ratio in Calmology ™. Results will include assisting horse to FOCUS, RELAX and CREATE GASTRIC BUFFER to achieve their optimum performance in Double Strength yet Smaller Volume which helps Easy to Swallow and No Waste. The science behind formulation and high quality ingredients in Calmology ™ Blend may not make the horses drowsy or hinder their performance while avoiding all prohibited substances.
...So it is titled, The Art of Calming.
Calmology ™ is formulated using only the ingredients that are found naturally in every horse's body.
The ingredients in Calmology ™ Blend effect horses’ mind, muscular, nerve system and gastrointestinal tract.
L- Tryptophan, as one of the ingredients, is among of the 20 standard amino acids present in the body and used by cells to synthesize proteins. L- Tryptophan must be obtained through the diet because the body does not naturally produce this amino acid. The body has limited ability to regulate the amount of L- Tryptophan in cells. When limited amounts are ingested, tryptophan deficiency may be apparent, resulting in suppressed amounts of serotonin, melatonin, niacin, and other important molecules. Lack of adequate amount of L- Tryptophan in horses’ body can result in depression and sleep disorders in them during stressful situations including anxiety related environment, or competition.
L-Tryptophan and its metabolite 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP), the immediate precursor of serotonin converted to serotonin is known to improve stress levels in horses. Serotonin plays a crucial role in regulating wake and sleep states. Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) is another monoamine.
Tryptophan depletion is known to decrease neuronal serotonin release in the brain. Studies have shown that the proportional presence of L-Tryptophan over other amino acid groups leads to an increased release of serotonin.
Tryptophan is used as a precursor to synthesize serotonin and it passes from the bloodstream into the brain. In order to traverse the blood-brain barrier, tryptophan competes with other amino acids for a carrier. Therefore, its uptake depends on the relative presence of tyrosine, phenylalanine, valine, leucine, and isoleucine.
We use the latest innovative science to ensure the correct ratio of ingredients usage in Calmology ™.
Increasing L-Tryptophan in horses' body results in highly concentrated serotonin in horses' body.
L-Tryptophan has the properties of a natural antidepressant. Serotonin plays an essential role in regulating mood, focus, anxiety, appetite, and relax.
Magnesium is another supplement formulated in Calmology ™. Magnesium is a naturally occurring mineral which is essential in improving a number of body systems especially the muscles and nerves system. Chelated magnesium is in a form that is easily absorbed by the body. Chelated magnesium is used as a supplement to maintain adequate magnesium in the body.
Additionally, there are other ingredients in Calmology ™ BLEND that increase FOCUS and CREATE GASTRIC BUFFER.
Calmology™ is formulated using only the ingredients that are found naturally in every horse's body excluding any prohibited substances. Calmology™ is a SHOW SAFE supplement.
See FEI CleanSport, USEF or AQHA Guidelines to learn more.

If you are confronted with difficult behaviors in your horse, it could be one of the following types of stress:
- Pain (from ulcers, saddles, injury, muscle tension etc.)
- Diet and supplements (too much starch or sugar, unbalanced supplements)
- Training method
Among all the above issues; “Diet and Supplement” has increased supply of so many supplements in the market including calming category, which is as a result of riders’ demand for improving the behavior of their horses. There is a whole category of horse supplements (and now many feeds) that help keep your horse calm. But really, do all those supplements help calm horses?
In general, there are two ways to manage horses’ behavior:
1. Sedation: A state of rest or sleep or drowsiness that is produced by sedative supplements or drugs that impair the brain function.
Sedation of a horse is caused to enable the horse to react appropriately to its environment, behave rationally and appropriately to the situation it finds itself in.
When achieved, this does not allow the horse to focus and concentrate; And the horses with sedation may not respond to pain issues such as ulcers, saddles, injury etc, too. If you want to use such products for training or riding a horse, you should know that is a shortcut for training and makes training easier, because a horse is less responsive to anything and still, however, there is no learning and training.
If we impair brain function, can we expect horses to learn something?
If we impair brain function, can we expect horses to make good decisions? Or respond accordingly?
The sedation of a horse makes it drowsy or hinders its performance and makes horses’ pain issues worsen day by day.
The reason for using sedative products by riders or trainers, is the horses’ dulled response to spooking and It makes the training sessions easy. Let’s provide you with more explanation:
The speed at which a horse flees from a scare, for just the first two meters is about half a second. This is measuring the immediate reaction to something it doesn’t understand. When horses are not sedated, they cantered away for those first few meters. Whereas if sedated, they trotted away; Their natural spook response was dulled down by the sedition supplements.
If you are not a confident rider this muted response to a scare may be appealing - we are often asked to “take the edge of my horse” and to an extent, sedating product does this, but there are so many issues in sedation for riding/training that we should know:
- A sedated horse may not respond to pain issues such as ulcers, saddles, injury, etc and it makes horse’s pain issues worsen day by day.
- Sedation impairs a horse's brain function, so, no expectation of a horse to make good decisions. You may see so many faults in your horse’s job.
- No learning or training with impairing horse’s brain function.
- Sedation is a shortcut solution.
With using the sedation supplements you hide the behavior and physical issues temporarily and the problems still exist.
Note: The wrong composition and dosage in some calming supplements or feed, and some chemical and herbal ingredients may cause the sedation effect, as well.
For example the wrong amount of magnesium causes sedating or depressing a horse, or sometimes has a reversed effect and makes a horse nervous.
The nutraceutical science behind the calming supplement is a key to reach a calming state, not sedation.
2. Calming: A state of physical and mental relaxation with focus and no drowsiness.
Calming state causes the brain to function efficiently, that is why you see more focus. This state comes from horses’ experience, training and learning along with a balanced diet. Calming a horse should not make the horse drowsy or hinder its performance.
Attempting the horse to calmness by managing its brain ability to respond naturally to the environment around itself, is an appropriate horse's behavior to the environment (1).
Most of us would expect our horse to flee from something scary, but then very quickly assess the risk to continue its job without jeopardizing the rider. To achieve this, we need to manage the horse's brain.
Managing a horse’s brain is better than impairing it or sedation, because among many positive things, the horse still has focus and is responsive to its rider’s aids and its job. A perfect riding needs to be in this kind of state.
Managing a horse’s brain needs professional training, horse-whispering, patience, balanced diet and continuously recovery from working. If with all correct effort, you can not reach fully to that calming state; it’s because there may be no balance between the key nutrient ingredients related to the nervous, digestive and muscle functional systems in a horse's diet. Most horses during training need muscle and nervous system recovery. If your horse gets wrong recovery then acts of recovery can create injury to them, and this causes nervousness in the horse or hinders its performance. That is why the scientific calming supplement is needed in a balanced diet.
With choosing a correct calming product for your horses, you can always find balance in recovery for the nervous, digestion and muscle functional systems (which are organs that are under tension due to training/stressful situations) which helps in having perfect training. So by this way, horses should be able to assess the risk and recover its composure quickly without panic. But with sedation supplements you hide the behavior and physical issues temporarily while the problems are still there.
The sedation products are a shortcut and calming products are the need for any horses.
Calmology™ is formulated using only the ingredients that are found naturally in every horse's body. The ingredients in Calmology™ blend affect horses’ minds, muscular and nervous systems, and gastrointestinal tract among recovering them.
Using the latest nutraceutical science, we have formulated a series of special effective ingredients excluding any prohibited substances in highest purity (%99) by correct ratio in Calmology™.
Results will include assisting horses to FOCUS, RELAX and RECOVERY IN THE MUSCULAR AND NERVOUS FUNCTIONAL SYSTEMS, AND GASTROINTESTINAL TRACK to achieve their optimum performance. The science behind formulation and high quality ingredients in Calmology™ blend MAKES A REAL CALMING PRODUCT. So it is called; The Art of Calming.
(1) Appropriate horse’s behavior to the environment: Most of us have experiences about a spooked horse at a sparrow or a grass leaf flapped in the wind. To be honest if a sparrow flies up from under our horse. Most of us would understand a spook! The important issue is how quickly a horse recognizes that a sparrow isn’t a threat; it should work this out in a second or so and quickly become calm again. Let us give you an example in the nature: If a lion arrives on the scene the nearer individuals should assess the risk level; Is the lion hunting or just going for a walk? May they take action to protect their young, but dashing off in a blind panic isn’t what you see. Appropriate behavior is defined by the horse’s ability to respond appropriately to something it doesn’t immediately understand, but very quickly assess the risk and recover its composure quickly. But many horses really struggle to do this and some of their behavior issues come from their unbalanced nutrients diet. For these horses some key ingredients should be added in their diet.

Company contact info:

15 Hubble, #200
Irvine, California 92618
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